The Sales Analysis module provides management with useful inquiries and many management reports into sales history.
The Invoice Display shows the entire invoice and lets you view margin, kit details, requisition details (either purchase or manufacturing), serial numbers, how the order was shipped, and source or base currency. The Customer Sales Display shows either a specified item or all items purchased by a specific customer and lets you ‘drill down’ to invoice details. The Item Sales by Customer Display and the Customer Sales by Item Display show sales information in summary form with the ability to drill down to details. The Serial Number Inquiry retrieves invoices by serial number.
You can select sales reports based on any combination of these criteria: date, customer, item, salesperson, branch, customer type, product class, sub-product class, location, customer ship-to, vendor, region, currency, or billing source.
Customer-related reporting includes four reports that show a customer’s purchases, margin, and margin percent during a specified period of time, listed either by item or by product class. You can sort and sub-total the Sales by Item Report by each individual customer ship-to address. The Customer Type Sales by Product Class Report summarizes sales information by customer type, rather than individual customer, and lists sales for each customer type by product class. The Lost Sales Report shows items that were ordered but not shipped because the customer refused the back order.
Salesperson-related reporting includes three reports that show sales, margin, and margin percent for a salesperson during a specified time period, listed either by item or by product class. The Commission Report lists customer name, invoice number, sale amount, commission rate, and commission amount for each invoice. It also shows cost and margin percent if commissions are paid on gross profit.
Inventory-related reporting includes the Sales by Customer Report, which shows customers who buy a particular item. You can sort and sub-total this report by customer ship-to. This report is very useful when trying to sell overstocked goods.
An Order Fill Analysis Report shows your company’s order-fill percentage by order and line item for a specified time period. The Item Fill Analysis shows fill percentage by item, and the Invoice / Memo Register gives an invoice register by date or by customer.